(208) 449-5183 / (949) 433-4844
1250 Ironwood Drive Suite 303
Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814

* Is “Symptom Free” Really Enough?

I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this question.  People come to counseling because they are in distress.  For example, they may be experiencing symptoms of depression like fatigue, depressed mood, hopelessness, low energy, irritability, etc. or perhaps they have panic attacks and have symptoms such as shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, elevated heart rate, fear of dying, etc.  My job as a Psychologist is to help my clients alleviate their symptoms.  But is that enough?  If one is no longer experiencing the symptoms of depression or a panic disorder, are they truly flourishing?  I would say no.

Alleviating symptoms is simply bringing one back to baseline.  If someone no longer feels depressed, it does not guarantee they are feeling joy and a positive outlook.  Don’t get me wrong.  Alleviating symptoms of depression or anxiety most definitely can give a person a great sense of relief and this is important.  But there is more.  I believe people have far more potential then just being symptom free.  The next step is to help people flourish.

Flourish means to grow well or luxuriantly, to thrive.  I believe people are capable of rising above the status quo and living a life of significance.  I believe in doing more than alleviating symptoms or striving for “good enough”.

Here is just an example of what I am talking about:

Depressive Symptoms Alleviation of Symptoms      Flourishing
Depressed Mood ->
Hopelessness ->
Fatigue ->
Isolation ->
Lack of Pleasure ->
Suicidal Thoughts ->
Not depressed ->
Not hopeless ->
Some energy ->
Time with People ->
Some pleasure ->
No suicidal Thoughts ->
Positive emotions
Hopeful, optimistic
Energized and engaged
Meaningful Relationships
Engaged in meaningful activates
Experiencing meaning and purpose


I believe deep down each of us desires to live extraordinary lives. We want to live a life filled with meaning and purpose. We want to impact the world in some way. Henry David Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” I don’t want to see anyone simply exist in quiet desperation, never knowing the song in his or her heart or worse, fearful to live it out.

There is research to support we can all take steps to grow and experience greater well-being in our lives.  We don’t have to settle for mediocrity or simply being symptom free.

I don’t want to stop at helping people alleviate their symptoms.  Although necessary, it is not sufficient. What gives my life meaning is helping people uncover their own human potential and live a life of significance.

In future blogs I will focus on steps you can take to move from mediocrity or symptom free to truly flourishing!